Commercial Spaceflight And The Dawning Age of NewSpace

That La Jolla Starship Conference

See on Scoop.itThe NewSpace Daily

”The two day symposium at UC San Diego covered an ambitious range of topics, but it wasn’t really clear what it hoped to accomplish. The goal may have been to raise public awareness and more particularly donations (which they asked for a couple of times) but if that was the case it needed to be considerably better publicized, and to be held in a much bigger facility with a lot more people in attendance. There was talk at the beginning that this symposium was “The Moment” when everything comes together, and will be seen as a defining moment when future generations look back but it seems hard to imagine that this will be the case. Each and every presentation was interesting in its own right, and some were even profound, but the symposium as a whole struggled with coherence, I think largely because of the uncertainty of the audience it was addressing, and the complete hopelessness of talking in anything but speculative language when it comes to the very long term goals of ultimately getting to other star systems.”


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